A Housebreaking Schedule

The following is just an example of a housebreaking schedule that you can once you bring your puppy home. 

See below for a specific list.

This is not a complete list and Arizona Goldendoodles does not hold any legal liability, when in doubt please contact your Veterinarian.

Source:  samivy.com


7:00 am – Out for Potty 

“Young puppies still have very weak underdeveloped bowel muscles and tend to struggle with holding their urine and bowel movements due to this.  Key to success here is to put a solid schedule in place as their bowel muscles are getting stronger.”


7:15 am – Feed and Water

“Puppies often have to pee and move their bowels right after they eat and drink.  Key to success here is to limit food and water intake to specific, scheduled feedings, immediately followed by a potty break.”


7:45 am – Play Time 

“Keep an eye on your puppy during playtime and make sure to pick him up and carry him outside if he starts to squat.  Key to success here is to avoid the possibility for any accidents inside the house.”


8:00 am – Into Crate 

“Place the crate in a room in which you frequent so that your puppy is not always alone when he is in his crate.  Key to success here is to introduce the crate in a positive way to teach your puppy that the crate is his “den”, a calm and relaxing place.”


10:00 am – Out to Potty 

“Very young puppies can only hold their urine for a few hours at a time.  Key to success here is to give them frequent potty breaks.”


10:15 am – Into Crate 


12:00 am – Out to Potty 

“Make sure to watch your puppy while he is outside to make sure he actually uses the potty break to pee.”


12:10 pm – Feed and Water


12:20 pm – Out to Potty


12:30 pm – Play Time

“If you can’t stay at home, hire a dog walker for the first couple of weeks to make sure your puppy gets enough potty breaks.  By the age of 5 months your puppies bowl muscles should be trained enough for her to be able to make it through the day without a potty break.”


12:45 pm – Into Crate


2:00 pm – Out to Potty


2:15 pm – Into Crate


4:00 pm – Out to Potty

“Dogs naturally have the tendency to eliminate in the same spot or on the same kind of surface every time.  You can use this to train your puppy to use a certain area of the backyard as her potty spot.”


4:10 pm – Into Crate

“Use the crate even when you are at home with your puppy and not only when you leave.  Otherwise she will associate the crate with being left alone and view it as a negative.”


5:00 pm – Feed and Water


5:15 pm – Take a Walk

“1-2 daily walks are important for your puppy to release his energy and get enough exercise.”


5:45 pm – Inside Play and Hang Out Time

“Make sure not to let your puppy run around the house unsupervised.  Puppies are very inquisitive and curious and therefore they can get themselves into trouble easily.”


6:15 pm – Out to Potty


6:30 pm – Into Crate

“Never use the crate as a punishment!  When used appropriately, the crate will be a huge asset in managing behavior through the beginning of your dogs life.”


8:30 pm – Out to Potty

“Use a consisted command like “use the bathroom” when you bring your puppy outside and praise him when he pees.  Like this some dogs can even be trained to eliminate on command.”


8:45 pm – Inside Hang Out Time


9:00 pm – Out to Potty


9:45 pm – Into Crate for the Night


12:00 am – Out for Quick Potty/Back into Crate