Prep For Your New Puppy

The following are few things to think about, have on hand, learn about, and benefits your new puppy will bring.  Basically what you need to know to be the best puppy parent ever!

See below for a specific list.

This is not a complete list and Arizona Goldendoodles does not hold any legal liability, when in doubt please contact your Veterinarian.


Before you pick up your pup ask yourself:

Do I have time?

Under 12 weeks of age, your puppy hasn’t developed bladder or bowel control yet.

A puppy can usually only hold his waste for the same number of hours as his age in months.  Ex. 4 months = 4 hours.

Do I have space?

Does your dog need space to run, or can he be kept in an apartment?

Research dog breeds to see how much space they might need.

Do I have energy?

Most dogs need 30 to 60 minutes of exercise per day.

Toy or small dogs may need extra exercise if kept inside.

What You Need

Water bowl

Food bowl

Shelter for when your puppy is outside

Proper pet food to fit your dog


Dog toys

Dog bed



Potty training plan

A local veterinarian chosen for your new puppy to visit, ASAP!

Puppy shampoo


Potty Training Tips

Catch your puppy in the act.  If you correct them afterwards, they may not know way.

Praise/reward him/her when they do the right thing.

Show him/her where you want them to use the bathroom.

Don’t rub your puppy’s nose in his/her waste.

Don’t scold him/her, make a noise to startle and stop the act.  Then pick him/her up and take them to the potty location.

Grow Up Together

There are many benefits of having a dog – here are a few.

More exercise

Less likely to get sick

More resistant to allergies

Relieve Stress

Less likely to struggle with depression

You will have a best friend for life!